Longueville Manor (Designed by Waddington Architects)
Testimonial - Malcolm Lewis (Chairman)
"Permeable Paving Solutions Ltd was chosen as the preferred contractor to undertake the creation of a permeable car park and associated landscaping in January 2016.
The project, whilst designed with specific technical requirements had to adhere to a precise aesthetic brief with the intention of respecting and enhancing the setting of the historic manor house.
An excellent working relationship was established between both parties right from the early planning stages and continued both throughout the project and thereafter.
Owing to a very short closure period, Longueville Manor stipulated that all works had to be completed within a 4 week period. In spite of unusually wet weather conditions, the project was undertaken and completed efficiently, on time and within budget.
The value of the completed project has exceeded all expectations. Whilst delivering a highly efficient new parking area, the car park itself together with the surrounding area has done nothing but enhance the beauty of the property as well as the hotel guests’ sense of arrival."
Malcolm Lewis
Permeable Paving Solutions would like thank Malcolm Lewis of Longueville Manor for choosing them as their preferred contractor to undertake the works for the permeable car park and associated landscaping to Longueville Manor Carpark and new slip road, this was designed using Permafilter Geotextile , InfraWeb TRP tree root protection and slimblock 50 system, supplied by Permeable Paving Solution.
St Peters Life Long Homes
The SUDS design for the surface water management for the Lifelong Homes Development, in St Peter’s in Jersey.
The proposed development comprises a new low-rise semi-detached housing development. The development comprise approximately 1740m2 of buildings and 1120m2 of hard-standing consisting of a car park, access roads and footpaths.
Hameau de la Mer
The development comprise approximately 2600m2 of new buildings and 4100m2 of hard-standing consisting of a car park, access roads, footpaths and community square. The existing residential building that fronts onto the adjacent La Grande Route De La Cote was refurbished with a new parking area to the rear. The proposed development will also include 670m2 of ornamental pond.
St Martin’s School
Property Holdings Ltd has asked T & G Ltd to provide a sustainable drainage (SUDS) design for the surface water management for the proposed St Martin’s School Development, in Jersey. T & G Ltd referred the scheme to Permeable Paving Solutions, to review and to design a drainage arrangement that may offer design and/or construction benefits and enhancement of the sustainable aspect of the scheme.
Schools present a number of opportunities for SUDS, which can be used to enhance the school landscape design and provide a range of educational and play opportunities. Car parks are usually the highest pollution risk on school sites so permeable pavement is often the best solution